Saturday, December 18, 2010

Amazing is it not !! The sharks as well And they face the front of my bed Big B

The Atlantis, Dubai    Dec  17/18,  2010     Fri/Sat  12 : 40 AM
We are prone to recognition. Recognition of any kind - material, physical, metaphorical, abstract, finite, infinite. And when there comes an opportunity to receive it or be recognized for it, we seldom refuse it.
I am in Dubai for just that and more …
Masala ! a publication belonging to the ITP group, a large and important media conglomerate has conducted their award ceremony at this rather large and picturesque Hotel, situated on the fringe of the man made island into the sea off Dubai, called The Palms. And I have just received another Life Time Achievement for my contribution to cinema.
But before this, there has been another event, the Marathi International Film and Theatre Awards or MIFTA at the Palladium where I had the great pleasure of receiving the best film award for ‘Vihir’, our Marathi film produced by AB Corp, which incidentally has won several international awards as well - Korea, Rome, London, Germany, NewYork …
But coming back to the achievement recognition, it does seem a bit stretched when year after year the award keeps coming for the same category. And I am reminded of another award function in Mumbai, for achievements, and the host giving it to the very distinguished Dr Udwadia of Breach Candy who was responsible for saving my life during the 1982 accident of ‘Coolie’, and he stating during his acceptance speech that his life in the sphere of his work was not yet over, so to give him recognition seemed out of place. I feel a bit like Dr Udwadia tonight. I feel inclined to do more work and do sincerely hope that the award does not signify or indicate that I should perhaps stop working !
Dubai remains expansive and modern and full of rapid development, though for the past few years the state of the economy has brought activity down considerably. The hustle and bustle of construction and the up beat nature of the atmosphere seems diminished, though still pertinent. People starved of entertainment and celebrity have reason to be excited about events that bring and promise such goodies on the plate, as it were. And why not. We in turn being used to our status are never able to understand what it means to them that idolize us when they are in close proximity of their star. And I do believe that even though the situation may seem to be getting out of hand at times, a certain amount of restraint and patience on our part does go along way in building gratitude to those that clamor for our attention. Certainly a great deal of it was experienced and complied with tonight !
And for those of you that show allegiance to living creatures and animals and pets and other such kind, may I now present to you, my bedroom in this exciting manor ; my Hotel. The room is a triplex, which is a floor more than a duplex … ha ha … and the bedroom which is the lowest part of the trip, is submerged inside a lake full of 63,000 fishes. And they having all kinds of variety and species float and swim about along the very large glass walls that extend from the bathroom to the bedroom and beyond. Have a look -
Amazing is it not !! The sharks as well .. And they face the front of my bed .. ! happy dreams of fish devouring poor me before the day is out …
And they have not fallen asleep as yet .. it is late ! Do they fall asleep ? Fish ? This lot has been in motion ever since I checked in .. non stop !!
Love and more and good night !!!
Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan at the Tiger Telethon

Amitabh Bachchan at the Tiger Telethon

Darshan Doshi Performing With SEL & Amitabh Bachchan at the Tiger Telethon.mp4