Monday, April 26, 2010

Will respect sentiments of all Amitabh on Tamil protests

Will respect sentiments of all: Amitabh on Tamil protests

New Delhi, April 26 (IANS) Amitabh Bachchan Monday said he would make sure everyone\'s sentiments were respected, a day after protests from a Tamil group urging the megastar not to host the India International Films Awards (IIFA) function in Sri Lanka.

"A Tamil group picketed my houses, asking me to not conduct IIFA in Sri Lanka. I beckoned personnel from Wiz (Wizcraft) who own and conduct IIFA, to come and meet me to discuss this matter and give it due importance," Amitabh, who is the brand ambassador of IIFA, posted on his blog.

Some Tamils marched from the superstar's Pratiksha bungalow to his Jalsa residence Sunday in Mumbai urging him to boycott the Colombo awards ceremony. 

The Canadian Tamil Congress Sunday said, "Amitabh is a great hero for us in the Tamil diaspora, but we are very disturbed and profoundly saddened by our hero's proposed visit to a regime which has perpetrated crimes against Tamils. By visiting Sri Lanka, Amitabh will be lending credibility to a regime which has destroyed Tamils ruthlessly and committed horrendous human rights violations."

Reacting to this Amitabh wrote, "I believe Wizcraft personnel met representatives of this protest presentation along with the police personnel that came over from the Juhu Police station, heard what they had to say, accepted a petition given by them, explained to them their side of the story and told them that the governing body of the event would meet immediately to conference on this matter and reach some kind of final path and solution." 

"The sentiments of all must be respected and I hope that we can plan and execute that with understanding, peace and grace."

The 67-year-old recently visited Sri Lanka to announce Colombo as the 2010 destination for the awards ceremony.

I do not Drink Alcohol

मैं तो शराब भी नहीं पीता

बॉलीवुड के सुपरस्टार अमिताभ बच्चन ने कहा है कि वो जिगर के सिरोसिस से पीड़ित हैं और उन्हे नियमित चिकित्सा जांच की ज़रूरत पड़ती है.

यह बीमारी आमतौर पर शराब का अधिक सेवन करने वालों को होती है लेकिन अमिताभ बच्चन बिल्कुल शराब नहीं पीते.

उन्होने अपने ब्लॉग में लिखा है कि इस बीमारी के कारण उनका एक चौथाई जिगर नष्ट हो गया है.

जिगर को यह क्षति दशकों पहले कुली फ़िल्म की शूटिंग के दौरान हुई दुर्घटना के बाद चढ़ाए गए ख़ून के कारण हुई है.

अमिताभ बच्चन ने कहा कि वो जानते हैं कि उनके चाहने वाले उनके स्वास्थ्य के बारे में जानकर चिंतित होंगे लेकिन वो अपनी हालत को छिपाना नहीं चाहते.

सिरोसिस के कारण जिगर में संक्रमणों को नियंत्रित करने और पोषक तत्वों, हारमोन्स और दवाइयों को संसाधित करने की क्षमता घट जाती है.

क्योंकि जिगर और उससे जुड़ी बीमारियां बहुत ही नाज़ुक होती हैं इसलिए मुझ पर लगातार निगरानी रखी जाएगी.
अमिताभ बच्चन
अमिताभ बच्चन को यह बीमारी हैपिटाइटिस वायरस के कारण हुई. जिगर की क्षति का पता आठ साल पहले चला था.

उन्होने अपने ब्लॉग में लिखा, "चूंकि जिगर और उससे जुड़ी बीमारियां बहुत ही नाज़ुक होती हैं इसलिए मुझ पर लगातार निगरानी रखी जाएगी."

अमिताभ बच्चन ने लिखा है, "ये ऐसी दुखद गाथा है जिसका कभी अंत नहीं होता. पता नहीं भविष्य के गर्भ में मेरे लिए और क्या क्या जमा है".

कुली फ़िल्म की शूटिंग करते हुए 1982 में अमिताभ बच्चन एक दुर्घटना का शिकार हुए थे और मरते मरते बचे थे.

लड़ाई के एक दृश्य की शूटिंग करते हुए उनकी तिल्ली फट गई थी और वो महीनों अस्पताल में पड़े रहे थे.

अमिताभ बच्चन अब तक 180 से अधिक फ़िल्मों में काम कर चुके हैं. उन्हे 1999 के बीबीसी जनमत सर्वेक्षण में सहस्राब्दि का सर्वोच्च स्टार चुना गया था.

वो अब भी हर साल कई फ़िल्मों में काम करते हैं. जनवरी में उनकी फ़िल्म तीन पत्ती रिलीज़ हुई थी जिसमें उन्होने ब्रिटेन के जाने माने अभिनेता बेन किंग्सले के साथ काम किया था.

I think Sachin was very brave in coming out to play BigB

I think Sachin was very brave in coming out to play BigB

Prateeksha, Mumbai  April  25/26,  2010  Sun/Mon 1 : 36 AM

Gloom and depression !! Mumbai Indians lost. I think Sachin was very brave in coming out to play, but they lost due to a more superior performance by Chennai Super Kings. Also I felt that Mumbai left it for too long to recover the run rate and by then it was climbing so high it became an impossibility to catch up. Dhoni, is a very calm and calculating Captain. Shrewd in his planning and execution. He played it perfect tonight. I also felt that Mumbai left it to Pollard too late. They should have brought him on much earlier to bring on the pressure to the CSK. Anyway the better team won and Dhoni and his mates must be extremely happy to have recovered ground in this tournament, to finally come out victorious.

I have also not realized the impact of my little story about my MRI trip. It has flooded the electronic waves since morning after the Times of India brought out the entire blog detail on the front page. Anxious responses from FmXt have also filled up the blog as have my mobile lines and those of my family.

It was not meant to cause such panic. I mentioned my day in a somewhat detailed and humorous manner. The media made it out to be quite dramatic and the entire day has been spent in explaining that 'all iz well'.

May I first thank all those that have expressed concern on my condition and say how deeply obliged I am for this endearing affection. There is nothing to be alarmed about. I still function normally and am under constant observation.

For this most worried reaction, I must take blame. But there is an entire history of my problems and which I would like to expand on as soon as possible. Filling you up with just one such incident yesterday has sparked some very collective concerned reactions. I would rather not subject you all further with another burst of issues that plague me. Maybe we shall sit a while and get all the details to be shared with the entire FmXt.

There were other issues that took away attention for me today.

A Tamil Group picketed my houses this morning, asking me to not conduct IIFA in Sri Lanka !! I beckoned personnel from Wiz who own and conduct IIFA to come and meet me to discus this matter and give it due importance. I believe Wiz craft personnel met representatives of this protest presentation along with the Police personnel that came over from the Juhu Police station, heard what they had to say, accepted a petition given by them, explained to them their side of the story and told them that the Govering body of the event would meet immediately to conference on this matter and reach some kind of final path and solution. Sentiments of all must be respected and I hope that we can plan and execute that with understanding peace and grace.

It is gaining upon a time past 2 am and I do wish to get some rest before the gym at 6, so I shall beg forgiveness. But I will and must come back to all, on my other medical issues.

" Our deeds determine us as much as we determine our deeds "

May we all be swayed in the beauty of our deeds in love and in affection -

Amitabh Bachchan

I am alarmed that you are alarmed at my condition BigB

Prateeksha, Mumbai   April  24/25,  2010   Sat/ Sun  2 : 21 AM

I am alarmed that you are alarmed at my condition, medically. It has been something that has remained with me for years and years and years. From being horned by a bull in the head when I was perhaps 2 years old to my more recent escapades, it is a saga that never seems to end, for, what is more in store for me I cannot comprehend.

My intention to describe my day within the 'tunnel' was not to seek attention, but to narrate the experience of a day in my life. Yesterday's episode is a mere 5 % of what ails me. And now with the kind of extreme reactions expressed by FmXt, I am hesitant to indulge any further on the balance 95 % !! Some of them are at an extreme stage of repair and I may have to go under the knife sooner than later. I wonder then if I should spell it out all at once on a pleasant day and get it over with, or to withhold it and piece meal it over a period of time, or perhaps not divulge anything further, ever.

It is however a part of me, my medical issues, and as one that has disclosed parts of my beings to parts of my other beings, I do not feel the need to keep it covered and protected. So I shall await any further direction that may come from the extended family on any deliberations on this.

The written word has always from time immemorial, had great relevance in the life of humans. Words that I may use to describe or narrate could express all, or nothing at all. The usage of my own particular vocabulary, could be conducive to what I may wish to express. Conversely, it could do just the opposite. That is the power of 'word'.

Have we ever wondered why Buddha, Mahavir, Nanak, Kabir, Rahim, Confucius, Gandhi or Vivekananda - great men and saints over time - have influenced the way we conduct ourselves and our lives. They were men of simple bearings. They were men not of Kingdom and wealth, nor were they ones that presented fear and terror. What was it about them that even with the passage of great time, we still submitted ourselves and our personalities to their governance and thought ?

Behind each of these ordinary humans, was the strength of extraordinary 'word'. They had the support of an army of 'words'. 'Words' formed their soldiers, which through their invaluable presence won over the world.

If one were to look at it, it presented itself as just a small insignificant 'word', but it had the power and strength to change life, to change society, to change a nation, to change an entire world. If a 'word' had the power to bring in peace it had equally, the power to bring in revolution. The great poet Kabir said -

शब्द शब्द सब कोई करें , शब्द के हाथ न पांव

एक शब्द औषधि करे , एक शब्द करे घाव I
" Shabd shabd sab koi karen, shabd ke haath na paon
Ek shabd aushadhi kare, ek shabd kare ghao ."
Roughly translated -
" Words words do all do, words have no hands and feet
One word is the balm that heals, the other that inflicts a wound. "
A few simple words from these saints and men of wisdom, have been a source of inspiration through generations, through centuries. But ponder a while. The world is full of an incredible store of books and encyclopedia on culture and literature, then why can we not recognize the immeasurable strength of these volumes of learned material and imbibe them for a better living. Because it is through the knowledge of words that we become of knowledge and learning.
A monarch or King shall be respected within his own Kingdom. But the learned shall be respected everywhere.
People shall remember me for another year or so, but they shall remember my Father for a thousand !!
And now 'Ravana'. The music launch took place in a simple yet well designed ceremony at the Yash Raj Studios. Abhishek and Aishwarya returned last night early this morning, morning of the 24th, and after releasing the music and performing for it on stage as part of the event have left for Greece, for the shoot of Farhan and Ritesh produced AbhinavDeo directed film and from there after completing that schedule to Istanbul for Rohan Sippy's film.
Some of the FmXt have already put up sites for the music on YouTube, but by tomorrow I shall be able to put up the visual promos of the film. There has been a fantastic reaction by the media to the film. Many have written in to me through sms and one particular veteran has said 'it shall be the film of the year'. We cross our fingers and toes and touch our heads and wood ! AR Rahman is at his very best whenever he has worked with Mani Ratnam and this one is no different. His music and sound and arrangement is a master class. Three on this CD have attracted me immensely and I am certain that in time, more value shall emanate from the tracks. It has always been the norm for every composition by Rahman - the music just grows on you.
Sachin Tendulkar turned 37 on the 24th and when I wished him in the morning, I also hoped that his injury to his hand had sufficiently repaired for him to play and lead Mumbai Indians for the finals tomorrow. He acknowledged the greetings and is desperate and determined to play the finals tomorrow despite the injury. He split his finger web as many may have seen in the match for the semis and has had to have 5 stiches on it. I hope he heals rapidly. It would be a shame to not have him play after bringing his team up to this level of the tournament.
A question for those who love cats - the big ones. The ones that we are all keen to save, as on the face page. How do you differentiate one tiger from the other ??
The design around the eyes is different on each one of them and that is how trainers and keepers are able to decipher which one is what !! Interesting eh ! I did not know either, until I was educated by a forest marshal at the Ranthambore Reserve, many years ago on a visit there. I have some marvelous pictures of a live tiger kill on still camera, right from the time he stalked a fairly large species of deer watering itself in a lake, to chasing it out of it, killing it and dragging it to a safe place for his lunch. He had chased his prey merely 5′ away from the open jeep that we were following him in. Amazing speed of action and incredible strength of how he flipped this 800 lbs of stag on its side to carry it to a secure hideout.
I will need to scan these pictures, because they were taken at a time when digital cameras were not invented. The quality may suffer, but I think you shall get a good idea of the operation.
Time to scream now !! Its 4:19 AM !! I interuppted my blog writing to see off Abhishek and Aishwarya .. and now to bed !!
Clutching my little softness of head rest close … and clutching every bit of love for you with it …
Amitabh Bachchan

Save Our Tigers BigB Photos

Save Our Tigers

Amitabh Bachchan at Aurangabad

Amitabh Bachchan Live at Soneri Mahal, Aurangabad on 11 Jan 2008