Jalsa, Mumbai Dec 13/14, 2012 Thu/Fri 1:25 AM

The greatest moment in the life of any individual shall be the instant when he or she shall remember them that brought them into this world, gave them the learning, the value of their experiences, the history of their existence and the importance of legacy …
The great sarod maestro, a favorite instrument of mine, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan writes a book on his Guru his Father the distinguished musician Ustad Haafiz Ali Khan and asks me to launch it at a ceremony here tonight.
One of the greatest tributes that can be paid by any would have to be the time and space that he or she shall give to the memory of their parents. Our parents do not just give us a life by birth, they teach educate and give us the learning of life. Those moments spent with them remain as our path guiders for the rest of our existence. We refer to them even in their absence, indeed more so in their absence, and derive courage and strength from what they taught and left behind for us. I feel a special affinity to them that honour and respect their elders and give them a platform of public importance. And I feel a special privilege when I am asked to be associated with an event that endorses such feeling ..
We are a nation that has only very recently started the practice of documentation of building records of important events, people and situations - a practice which I admire in the West.
The creative artist, his or her contribution to the arts to the world is priceless and to have that for posterity needs to be the most significant and important aspect in the life of said celebrity. There is very little that seems to attract the state in this direction. Lack of interest, or a relegation of the deserving importance never does seem to cross the minds of those that run and establish the think tanks of a nation. It is a sad reflection on the state of the minds of those in control and command.
Individual efforts therefore that are made either by progeny or admirers is of immensely greater importance than any other. The idea is not of a deliberate attempt at legacy, it is a deliberate attempt at the honour and gratefulness of the contribution made by those that have left us with a large volume of creativity and its process. Leaving behind an inspiration is to me of much importance. Getting inspired by the inspiration in constructing something that could be reflected as individual achievement, is even better - which creative artist has not been inspired by another !
They that are responsible for bringing us into this world, guide us through life, hold our little finger and teach us to walk, run, think. Is it asking too much if during the time when they are invalides unable to conduct themselves the way they did, because of age, for us to have held their finger for guidance, to hold their hands today in remembrance ?
To me it is the greatest deed …

Leave me .. it is not my day .. ‘tis the day of the son who has recreated a memoir of his illustrious Father … but will the media ever realize this .. ?? I wonder !!

The large smile is not one for the cameras of the media … it is in reverence to the deed of one son towards his creator, his Guru, his Father ..
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