It was a starry night as Abhishek Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Ashutosh Gowariker and many other celebs graced the music launch of KHELEIN HUM JEE JAAN SEY. Have a look at what they had to say.
Friday, October 29, 2010
BigB music Launch KHELEIN HUM JEE JAAN SEY Movie Video
It was a starry night as Abhishek Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Ashutosh Gowariker and many other celebs graced the music launch of KHELEIN HUM JEE JAAN SEY. Have a look at what they had to say.
कई दिनों से आप लोगों को हिंदी में नहीं लिख पाया क्षमा Big B

कई दिनों से आप लोगों को हिंदी में नहीं लिख पाया
Goa Oct 28 , 2010 Thu 8 : 30 PM
कई दिनों से आप लोगों को हिंदी में नहीं लिख पाया , क्षमा वाचना .
Back from the music release function of Khelein Hum je Jaan se Big B
Back from the music release function of Khelein Hum je Jaan se
Prateeksha , Mumbai Oct 27/28 , 2010 Wed/Thu 1 : 21 AM
Back from the music release function of ‘Khelein Hum je Jaan se ..’ and filled with emotion and a lump in my throat.
I had never expected that the evening would instil in us a feel for such patriotic emotion, but when the cast got on to the stage and screamed ‘Vande Mataram’ in unison and then all the guests stood up and sang the National Anthem, it just filled all of us with tears in our eyes !!
I was unaware that the dress code of the evening was national traditional and in colors of red and white. On arriving at the Hotel where the event was to be held and seeing everyone right from ushers and security to the organisers in tune with what had been instructed I felt completely out of place in Black modern western.
The entire setting of the stage, the props and the location was picturesquely dressed in the red and white - revolution and purity - and it was just a wonderful feeling of uniformity and strength.
The film, as most do not know, is about the life of Surya Sen as discussed in yesterdays post, a teacher in Chittagong now in Bangladesh, who mobilized school children where he taught, to revolt against the British Raj and seek Independence. It is a story of their fight for the Motherland, to free it of the intruders and the revolution, in many ways the very first of its kind, which shook the British Empire in the early years, into submission finally.
The evening was done up in a most aesthetic manner and well organized, a rarity in most such functions, and attended well by those that had had a connection to the film.
I never got an opportunity to speak after they asked me to release the album, but had they I would have loved to narrate my feelings. For I felt that there were several reasons for me to be at this occasion.
Firstly of course I was most embarrassed and self conscious on my dress because everyone else was done up in national and traditional and mostly in the Bengali style, it being the story of Bengal. I had wished to say that since there had been a unanimous representation of the freedom fighters, there was none for the British and if my dress for the day coud be taken as a representation of them for the evening, then some of the guns that were fired live during the performance at the function, could well have been fired at me.
Secondly, there were more than a few reasons and connections to the film, apart from the fact that it starred Abhishek. The title of the film is taken from the most prominent and powerful song of my film ‘Main Azaad Hoon’ - ‘itne bazoo itne sar gin le dushman dhyaan se, haare ga woh har baazi jab khelein hum je jaan se ..’
The song written by the great poet Kaifi Azmi, father of Shabana Azmi, was from a tune that had been given by me after listening to an African number at a random moment during one of my trips to Europe in the late 80’s. A strain in the song caught my fancy and I sat with the music director and developed the song. That moment of the song in Main Azaad Hoon has its own story which has been narrated many times over - its shooting in a stadium in Goa and how we went about it.
The third reason was the fervor and temper of the subject of KHJJS. It brought in me and I am sure many others of my time, of having lost the opportunity of being a part of the freedom movement. To me those must have been the most exciting times for the country and its nationals. The fight for freedom often is. But those were heady times and watching the cast and crew of this film and what they were portraying, filled me with the enthusiasm of those years. Indeed as another well known story of the time is known, my Mother pregnant with me in the last stages, had run out to join a satyagrah procession that had taken to the streets of Allahabad. The procession was attacked by the British police and there was grave danger of my Mother getting lathi charged during the event. It was a group of my Father’s friends who knowing of this had rushed out into the crowd to save my Mother from certain harm and brought her safely home much against her wishes. Later that evening when peace had returned to the city, everyone around my parents had joked that when I would be born, it would be appropriate to name me Inquilab Rai… Inquilab meaning revolt !!
And of course the third reason would be the fact that since I myself had longed to be a part of the freedom struggle and never got the opportunity, it was wonderful to see my own son Abhishek portraying a role in film on similar lines by playing that role of ‘Master ji’, the main protagonist Surya Sen !
I must admit and I said this to Ashutosh Gowarikar, the director of the film, that during the entire making of the film and its subsequent publicity, which has just begun, I quite frankly had not seen much hope in this attempt. But I have to say how wrong I was and that Ashutosh has now with this function succeeded in building up a substantial awakening to the film so to say, and I do believe that my sentiments are similar to what the media and guests felt too.
The film releases on December 3, and I wish it all success !!
It has never been wise for me to speak on matters that have concerned my family or me in particular. The media has never been too respectful of that and has on several occasions shown resentment, so I have tried to be as minimal as possible on the issue. But the swell of emotion at the event could just not make me control my sentiments and so I have written and I hope that the media shall take it in the most candid and honest manner that I have put it across.
I travel tomorrow. Travel to shed some time on myself in contemplation without the pressures of work and people and all the sundries that take up time and attention.
I wish to thank all those that took the trouble to wish the family the best wishes for ‘Karva Chauth’ and to apologize for my personal outburst on my ‘disgust’ at certain events. That moment has now passed and I do not wish to dwell on it. So it would be prudent on the part of many, to not want its details. Its over and done with and bears no consequence anymore.
However, the incident may be over, but I do not wish to forget the circumstances that brought it on in the first place. That annoyance will remain and that desire for non interference shall also become an important ingredient in matters that involve the future. The intolerance quotient to any such event has grown manifold. And were there to be repeats of such behavior, there would be serious consequences. Of this I have now taken firm stand !!
You who listen or read this and feel that if they fall into similar character or nature, then they must be prepared to face consequences that could be unpleasant !!
My own tolerance is something that I myself have felt to be of some great length. But if tested beyond a point, could break a few desired norms from me.
May the Almighty bless you and keep you kind and happy and healthy ~
Amitabh Bachchan
Big B Receives standing ovation at National Film Awards funtion
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The moon was finally sighted by the staff from the roof terrace BigB
The moon was finally sighted by the staff from the roof terrace BigB
Prateeksha , Mumbai Oct 26 , 2010 Tue 11 : 46 PM
The moon was finally sighted by the staff from the roof terrace and a sigh of relief went through the entire house at Jalsa, as the ladies and their friends, clad in almost bridal finery, started to collect their pooja thalis and diya’s, to make their way up to the roof, the men helping them along. Through the sieve the moon is first seen by the wives, water is poured almost in reverence to it, the diya is thrown over the shoulder with their backs to the galactic wonder of the night, a short prayer for the husbands is quietly spoken almost within themselves, feet are touched and the husbands feed the first morsel of the day, give them water to drink and that brings to an end the rituals for Karva Chauth. The well being of the husband intact, the well being of the more important element in all the trials, the stomach, is then catered to. And there is general cheer and satisfaction all around.
A dinner is being held at a close friend’s house where the first Karva Chauth of a member of the family is being celebrated. It is neat and homely and delicious, laced with the Tv broadcast of KBC, which I watched while I ate - not the most exciting acts to be indulging in especially when the wife is around. But being their day they look upon us with some tolerance and allow this indulgence.
As the ladies prepared themselves in the early hours of the morning for their ordeal, I completed my dubbing for ‘Kandahar’, the Malayalam movie that I had shot some time back in Ooty or to be politically correct, Udhagamandalam ! Thereafter it was time to catch up on all the documents and paper work that had been left unattended for the past fortnight and am happy to state that I cleaned up all the mess by late evening. Cards and greetings for the birthday had been acknowledged, Diwali greetings were sent across and some office paper work was attended to before realizing that I had taken up much of the day, without my customary recoup sleep in the afternoon ! This has set me back a bit temperamentally and physically, but certainly not in the same mode as last night, for which, I must apologize, for many among you have been disturbed by my disturbance.
I will not deny its existence, but I shall abstain from divulging details. They really are of not much consequence. What is of consequence is the fact that an identification of the malaise has been established and by God’s grace, being attended to, with I think, a serious amount of time and consideration.
There is another day off tomorrow and a laziness approaches me. One that wishes to dictate terms to me. I shall not resist it. Instead welcome it with folded hands. Tv has been of substantial value, but also requiring of great strength and challenge. Its very nature of function is such that it has to be attended to, each hour and minute with an earnestness that reflects so rapidly the true image of its performer. There is need then to be of utmost concentration, before getting into the mode of facing the nation.
I must mention here how much my respect, for those associated with this idiot box, has risen. It is a killing task to be on it and an even more killing task to being responsible for its content and value. In a nation that has had an increase of population in areas where the spread of television has increased manifold times - 20 million a few years ago to 80 million homes - is not a task that can be ignored. To then design programmes that shall catch the eye balls of those that go out to face the music in other walks of life, is even tougher. So a salute with raised hands and arms, for this most intricate and noble profession - the Indian Television Network !!
Tomorrow Abhishek’s next has a music release - the film by Ashutosh Gowarikar, ‘Khelen hum ji jaan se ..’, the story of a freedom fighter from Bengal, Shurjo Sen. He was a teacher for primary schools and took up the cause of freedom on his own terms. He fought with the British through an army he built from his own ranks - the school kids. Interesting subject !
There had been a desire for the pictures of the National Awards to be put up . I make attempts !!!
Good night dearest ones …
Amitabh Bachchan.
Big B Receives standing ovation at National Film Awards funtion
Karwa Chauth fasting for Big B Fan from Bareilly
Govardhan Bhojwani from Bareilly fasts and prays during Karwa Chauth for the long life of Amitabh Bachchan. Interestingly, he is a look-alike of the superstar.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I detest those that assume what I may be thinking Big B
I detest those that assume what I may be thinking Big B
Prateeksha , Mumbai Oct 25/26 , 2010 Mon/Tue 1 : 24 AM
I detest those that assume what I may be thinking and then proceed to represent me in a manner as though it was I that had expressed whatever I may have. I would like to believe that it comes from a syndrome where the obvious intention is to take over responsibility from an overcrowded and somewhat busy schedule, so that there can be ease of reference or the management of time. But seldom does it ever correspond to what it sets out to be. On many an occasion it has added if not subtracted to the situation.
And when it happens it destroys more than it pleases. A bit of me was destroyed today by over ambitiousness, by the fact that once out it could not be retracted. Stop doing this to me, I shall wish to warn all those that indulge in it. Stop trying to portray me in a light where I do not belong and have never expressed desire to. Keep your weapons to yourself and do not you dare place them conveniently on my shoulders. It may seem as though I would brush them away. And this you could assume came from the manner in which I could have overlooked detail. But I do notice and I do examine, and most carefully too.
Do not work on my behalf. I will tell you when I will need to. But until I do, could you please refrain from indulging in any act that delivers as though it was done for me in concern. That is incorrect and decidedly an inefficient manner in which most of our lives will be known to exist.
Certain of my traits have been born with. Those will not change. And any effort to change them will be disastrous. Look then to see what they are instead of trying to consider what they are, wanting to improve it and making a complete mess of it.
I completely deny any semblance of arrogance in an achievement. Do not construe my humbleness to be manufactured and polluted. It is not. And if by chance you shall challenge it by shoving something that does not have either my approval or intent, I shall use all that is at my command to justify the other wrong and the hither right.
This is as far as I would like to go in this direction. To understand my representation you would have had to lived my life with me. And since that is remote in possibility, it is best left for me to interpret and make further.
KBC plays now for the celebration season of Diwali. An entire week dedicated to fun and joyous laughter ; to be in mood for lightness of spirit and joy. For this, there is a change of game plan, and for that there is greater work and dedication and understanding required. I am happy that those works are over now and that we shall soon get back to being what we had already established in classic form.
The setting for these is the same, just its pattern of play is different and hopefully more exciting. There have been celebrities from different walks of entertainment and nation that come together to generate interest in doing what must be done for those that are underprivileged, alone and despondent. Their interest in the involvement of others who come forward in help is quite genuine …. but that cannot be taken as law. In such cases there is opportunity and there is desire or will. If either of them decide to act they shall be allowed to act within parameters of the given.
Period !!
I cannot elaborate beyond this point without bringing in the ladies of the house, and that I do not wish to do. It is therefore then best to know this -
Do not ever fiddle with those or that which rides well. Every new element shall only succeed in diluting the element that was built in the first place ~
My love as ever
Amitabh Bachchan
Big B Receives standing ovation at National Film Awards funtion