Switching one to the other is a boon to those that can accomplish this unnatural feat. There shall be admiration ever for them that, despite the trap they fall in, are able to survive and exist in such environs.
There needs to be endeavour to survive the effects of this activity. Many there are in this universe that are able to do so .. many do not, even though they believe in them.

Many are they that defy such. They encounter the intricacies of time, only to be wiser and better equipped. Better equipped to be able to stave off any impressions of negativity that often befalls us ..
Many succumb though to this vagary. They fall never to rise. They may be right to have accepted such. Many do not. Many opt for another favourable moment, a slight of hand, the option of a possible misjudgement .. and many other ..

Amitabh Bachchan
NEWS By http://srbachchan.tumblr.com/