Jalsa , Mumbai July 5, 2011 Tue 11:32 PM
The most important seat in the world for me these days … the one by the window of an aircraft .. watching the land go by, the skies disturbed by the advent of the monsoon, the courteous air hostesses and stewards requesting indulgence - towels cold or warm .. something to drink, a juice maybe, breakfast .. something sir ! No nothing .. need to catch up on my sleep. Is it just me or … whenever I start to read a paper on flight, I tend to doze off. The words on the page suddenly begin to out focus, the head starts to droop, hands holding the news print loosen up and the first nod occurs … then back up again and to begin the routine all over … happen to anyone of you ??
After the hectic schedules of the past so many days, the routine is about to start all over again. Interviews and bites and description of the scene in film … just so much curiosity ! But that we must give in to .. or else what is the purpose of even mentioning it .. the blog in all its glory shall remain a silent figure on pedestal, but shall not be removed as was the fear from some quarters .. Mother’s are always so conscious of their children. Our Mother Blog shall also be looked upon passionately, and the assurance given has been that, all else may undergo change, but the blog shall remain steadfast and kind.
Oh dear .. i feel the effect of the plane as I continue to put down everything .. the head is now seriously drooping, the hands involuntarily stop and start … they just did .. ha ha ..
I need to rest .. there has been sleep for just a few hours for the past days .. but I shall be back with more soon ..
Good night and apologies for this short response I shall improve on this soon …
Amitabh Bachchan