Friday, July 31, 2009

BigB remembers Gayatri Devi as picture of grace beauty

Big B remembers Gayatri Devi as picture of grace, beauty
Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, July 30 (IANS) Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan remembers Gayatri Devi, the 'rajmata' of Jaipur, as a "picture of grace and beauty" wrapped in soft chiffons.

Amitabh recalls sneaking into the Jaipur Polo Ground when he was a student in Delhi University to not just watch polo matches but also catch a glimpse of Gayatri Devi.

"The maharaja of Jaipur (Sawai Man Singh), a great proponent of the game, would play there and accompanying him used to be his wife, the Rajmata Gayatri Devi.

"In her soft and pastel flowered chiffons, she used to be a picture of grace and beauty. I never imagined that one day I would get to meet this lady. But time and circumstances changed that," the actor posted on his blog

Gayatri Devi died Wednesday at the Jaipur-based Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital (SDMH) where she was admitted Tuesday for breathing problems. She was 90.

When Amitabh learnt of Gayatri Devi's ill health a few days ago, he sent her a bouquet of flowers and a get well card.

"Her son had acknowledged my letter and informed us that she was very pleased to have received my concern and wishes...May she rest in peace."

Amitabh had met her on many occasions.

"After joining the movies, there were many visits to Jaipur for shootings and that is when a formal introduction with the Rajmata took place. I was later asked by Gayatri Deviji to inaugurate one of the functions at the girls school (Maharani Gayatri Devi) that she started, now a flourishing institution.

"Some years ago she had invited me to be the chief guest at a charity she promoted for the underprivileged and cannot forget what a gracious host she was that evening. On another occasion she called me over for a private lunch at her Lily Pond residence, serving me personally with delicious vegetarian delicacies which she had so considerately asked her kitchen to prepare," he said.

However, the last time that the erstwhile maharani of Jaipur sought Amitabh's involvement, he couldn't make it. And that was the last communication he had with her.

Aladin Movie First Look

Aladin And The Mystery Of The Lamp Movie First Look

Amitabh Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt, Ritesh Deshmukh,
Juhi Chawla, Sameera Reddy, Jacqueline Fernandez

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Amar Singh discharged from Singapore hospital BigB

Amar Singh discharged from Singapore hospital: Big B

Mumbai, July 25 (IANS) Samajwadi Party general secretary Amar Singh has been discharged from the hospital in Singapore, where he was admitted for a kidney transplant, says his close friend, Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan.

"My friend (Amar Singh) repairs well and repairs well enough to be discharged from hospital to his home. Home not in India, but in Singapore," Amitabh posted Saturday on his blog

"There he shall remain for observation and tests and acute monitoring. He shall be observed with care and diligence for such surgeries need careful ?after looking after'," he added.

According to Amitabh, it is the recovery period after a surgery which is the real test of a patient.

"Many believe that the job done by surgeon and hospital is final, but it is not so. What is most important is how you will deal with your system now with the handicaps of repair. The strength and will required for this journey is much much greater than the will required to submit yourself to surgeons," he posted.

Singh was admitted to the hospital earlier this month. Amitabh's family -- wife Jaya, son Abhishek and daughter-in-law Aishwarya -- had been by Singh's side in Singapore for many days. Now, Aishwarya and Abhishek are back in India to shoot for Mani Ratnam's "Ravana".  

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Western audiences love Bollywood dance music Amitabh Bachchan

Western audiences love Bollywood's dance, music: Amitabh

New Delhi, June 23 (IANS) The Western world is now showing interest in Hindi films -- all because of its dance and music content, something that they ridiculed a few years ago, says megastar Amitabh Bachchan.

"We were ridiculed, and the West was very cynical about the way we made our films and the content -- the songs and the dance, and the music was something that was kind of looked down upon many years ago.

"But that very aspect has now become its USP, and people love to see that. I would expect that this is how and what our cinema is all about," Amitabh said on CNN's show "Talk Asia".

Speaking about Hollywood-Bollywood collaborations, Amitabh said: "I think this has got to do a lot more with economics rather than sharing creativity... Hollywood is very healthy in their finance, they are using their money to invest in productions that are coming out of India. And in that respect, yes, holding hands with Hollywood companies or any other company is now becoming a routine."

Many Hindi films recently have seen international collaborations, including "Singh Is Kingg", which was produced by Warner Brothers, and animated film "Roadside Romeo" that was financed by Disney. "Kambakkht Ishq" featured Hollywood stars Sylvester Stallone, Brandon Routh and Denise Richards.

Amitabh himself will be sharing screen space with British actor Ben Kingsley in his forthcoming film "Teen Patti".

"Talk Asia" will be aired July 25 at 8 p.m.

The Grahan as we call it in our language Meanwhile back in the ranch some photographs

Singapore July 22, 2009 Wed 11:00 PM


Really really embarrassed about yesterday’s post. Such bad presentation and such a tacky look and content. I was so frustrated by the loss of the broad band at the crucial hour that I just gave up at 5 am and let it go the way it was. My apologies.

I have always had problems with trying to catch up and relive what I may have lost on a particular DAY and so in keeping with the temperament I shall certainly not endeavor to break the sequence ! What is lost is lost. Perhaps it was not meant to go out to the EF.. and so there…

And.. if may add to the irritation of the advisors and the saner elements of our sweet little society… I am yet again posting straight on to the DAY, instead of following instructions to write and save on WORD. I am obstinate am I not ! But somehow, I cannot explain why, when I write on Word I just do not feel that I am conversing with you. It has seemed strange and alien. The thoughts remain stifled and lethargic. They bear an attitude which is different. Different not in the good sense, just different. For some reason I feel when I am direct on post, that each one of you sits there in front and listens as I punch. That sympathizes with each thought that comes out involuntarily. That joins me in laughter and mirth. That holds my hand as I reach out. That comforts my forehead and tells me - ‘get to bed you ‘ol fogie.. we have had enough !!’

So.. on to other matters !
I had said I would try and put you on to the memory test. Well … here it is. It is a site that you have to click to visit. I did try to put the test itself on the blog, but the engineers had a mini revolt at the server and said this was the best they could do. Seriously though they tried very hard but did not find a solution, hence this …

Before you get to the test here is what is expected of you -

I do sincerely hope either of the clicks works and you do have fun in assimilating what your memory percentages are.

Meanwhile back in the ranch - some photographs -


Thats the son, at IIFA Macau Fashion Extravaganza giving his spiel for the charity for the benefit of the workers in the Industry. All these proceeds that we collect goes in looking after lesser privileged workers and their families. Some IIFA’s we conduct a sporting event, a cricket match within two teams picked from the Industry and such like.


Thats the ‘ol fogie at a London restaurant - le Petit Maison - with the grand children whom you cannot see, because every time you point a camera at them they disappear under the table. Note the dark glasses guys and its subtleties. Let me know what you notice.


Thats me a little while ago, IPhotoed and Adobe Photo Shopped, in my room in Singapore as I settle down to address the world of EF. The ‘tracks’ and the ‘wrists’ are normal computer gear. This job is indeed athletic !


Thats at Jalsa. Some weeks ago. Actually shortly before the affectionate Shanouk wished to express his extreme love for me with an embrace..


And this, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, is what I saw with my camera of other cameras. Pretty interesting eh..?

There have been some among you that have continuously added great value to this blog by their most pertinent and valuable comments, put across in the most eloquent manner. I laud their efforts and do urge them to continue to give us a greater and wiser vision on some of the topics that have without any specific purpose, come up during my writing. I would wish not to mention them by name, for I observe that many of you that do not get mentioned, show disappointment and anger. Rightly so I must confess. Everyone spends a great deal of time getting to the text, reading it understanding it - provided it is worth understanding - and then commenting on it. Thats a massive dedicated exercise and I must acknowledge that, here publicly and insist that you continue to add your invaluable impressions to enlighten us. The individual reactions to them shall come as soon as I start addressing the now much awaited ‘yellow line’ !

And so to the eclipse ! TheGrahan as we call it in our language. For some an unusual sight to behold, for many others a sign and day of superstition and astrological connotations. For some a phenomena that shall perhaps reappear after some 300 years, long after we are all in heavenly abode - or who knows they may invent a drug soon enough to keep us going till then. For some a day of prayer and caution on the ill effects of the moment. For others of being a part of this in history and recording its occurence, like my staff in New Delhi did - here for your benefit -





I have no idea why they all came out looking green, but there it is. And so to the next 300 years when it shall appear again. I wonder when it happened 300 years ago in the 1700’s or so, what reaction it may have caused in the minds of mankind, struggling to contend with many of natures unexplained peculiarities. We live today in an advanced scientific age and have the ability to perhaps take in all this in better spirit, but then, in the 1700’s or worse in the 1400’s and the 1100’s… Goodness .. they must have thought the world was coming to an end !

And when you read and learn about space and the universe beyond our little earth, you really get amazed to discover what an infinitely small speck we all are in that world and I wish that millions and millions of us that live here and have the benefit of God’s grace to be inhabitants of Earth, to understand and realize how insignificant and inconsequential all our issues are compared to what exists in the rest around us. The sheer magnitude and expanse is so humbling. Yet, we are fighting and quibbling over matters that are petty and ugly and of no value.. A shame and a pity !!

The moon they say with every revolution around the earth is shifting in its orbit an inch, 1″ away from the earth, every year. And it shall take 5 billion years for it to disappear completely. This is one small little moon for earth. Imagine the many moons of other planets. Imagine the other planets of other galaxies, and the galaxies beyond..and beyond .. and beyond ..

Its 2:25 AM on the Thursday !! And I am bright and awake and fresh and active as one could possibly be. Its the state of the mind and the body that guides one into such condition. As I wait for my car to come up to pick me up from the Hospital here in Singapore and take me to my place of temporary residence , I come across an ailing gentleman pushing his own wheel chair and accompanied by nurses walking across to the lifts to get to his room from perhaps a compulsory walk in the garden downstairs. He stops to walk towards me. He smiles and thanks me for taking a photograph with his son. He says he and the lady with him are the sons parents. He is from Australia and his taped hand indicates the intrusive intravenous procedures that he must be going through for his treatment. I wish him a speedy recovery and politely ask him -

‘I hope you are well ?’

He holds my hand firmly with a broad smile and answers ‘You are as well as you want to be !’

What a simple strong statement. I shall be as well as I want to be. Yes for all of us, we must be as well as we want to be. I am as fresh and alert as I want to be now. I should be in bed and should be at rest, but I wish to be awake and to be fresh and so I shallbe, so help me God !!

Shall baby ! Shall, shall shall … you mrmrsmswhatever Afternoon Despatched and Couriered to outer space ! Shall, shall shall….!!!


SHALL.. S H A L L …!! Yeah !

Ok .. thats it for today. Off to bed and the remote and the TV, to catch a game or some news and then end up with SUN TV !! Yes.. yes .. yess.. SUN TV, that magnificent South Indian Channel from Chennai Tamil Nadu, playing non stop songs from their films !! I tell you.. their choreography and the locations and shot takings and the color combinations… just marvellous.

We in Mumbai, with all due respect, need to learn a lot from them !!

Me with love … and Marigold low fat yoghurt natural, with two columns of sugar !! Just consumed that to keep me HYPER !!


Amitabh Bachchan

Monday, July 20, 2009

BigB wishes Gayatri Devi speedy recovery

Big B wishes Gayatri Devi speedy recovery

New Delhi, July 20 (IANS) Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan has expressed concern for Jaipur's erstwhile royal Gayatri Devi health and has wished her a speedy recovery.

The 90-year-old was admitted Friday to a hospital in Jaipur after she complained of stomach ache.

"The day ends with some concern for Maharani Gayatri Devi of Jaipur. She is quite unwell and has been admitted to hospital. One of the most beautiful women in the world, a friend, a gentle and generous host to me on several of my trips to her beautiful palaces, now caught up with age. My prayers for a speedy recovery," Amitabh wrote on his blog

Big B, who is in Singapore attending to his ailing friend, politician Amar Singh, was also recently admitted to a Mumbai hospital after he complained of stomach ache. 

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A collage !! Moments of my existence

Prateeksha, Mumbai      July 15, 2009     Wed 8:11 PM

A collage !! Moments of my existence !! And, a wonder if they be of any interest within the extended family !!

The crowd of fans and well wishers outside Jalsa a few Sundays ago and their love and affection day after day through many years now. I can but acknowledge them only and express gratitude. I have nothing more with me to give them. I wish I had.

I took Abhishek out too with me. At times when the ladies are in I insist they come out and meet the people. A glimpse a wave a smile is all they ask. At times an autograph. Simple little gestures, for so much warmth from them.

And as I leave the house they remain outside and cheer and follow at times somewhat precariously perched, like the young lady behind her van. God has been very kind to me.

Some other pictures down the line show me at work for a commercial. All the green is the background which in modern film technology shall with digital finesse, fill up with visuals. I fool around in one. The crew on set seems to enjoy my humor. I sit on one pensive as the camera department lights up and focuses - the assistant on his heals to give a height indication for the lens. The director of the day in one, explaining the shot. My perch on several chairs put together to protect my bad back. I am obviously so deeply interested in what he directs towards me !! Ha ! Do not, I implore, judge my involvement in the way I look away !! Sometimes those are the moments when you are concentrating the most.

The rain… behaved !! It poured throughout the night and in bits and pieces during the day. The water logging cleared up a bit in some regions. Leakages and threats of being submerged looked distant and the traffic and life on the roads came back to life, though not entirely in other parts of the city.

I got adventurous during the day and actually supervised the breach in the wall of the basement with some serious looking technicians. And more wonder of wonders, actually accepted some of the ideas on water proofing that I gave out to them. Well.. at least they seemed to give me that impression while I spoke to them. They must really be sniggering now, at my stupidity !

The media was amusing today. Had some frantic text messages from them on whether I had built a ramp in the house to put my cars on it to save them from the flooding !! Why on earth this should be of any national interest intrigues me. I suspect they must be doing a larger piece on the inadequate facilities during the rains by the Government and the efforts that need to be made in insuring these episodes do not repeat themselves. But to be fair, what can one do against natures fury. When you have 160 mm of rain in a couple of hours, the best and most efficient administration in the world would be helpless. I have seen many a Government in the developed world brought to their knees when natures catastrophes strike ! And I must say when I had ventured out in wading waters yesterday, there was a determined presence of the police and emergency services at vantage points to bring in assistance and help.

So… I indulged again as I prepare to depart. TIMES NOW, the TV Channel anchored by the affable Arnab Goswami, who had been most impressive in his coverage and reporting during the attack on Mumbai, had done a program on me called 'Total Recall', an assimilation of 40 years of my work in cinema, interspersed with an interview. I had not had the opportunity to see it when it was broadcast and had asked for the tapes to be sent to me. That is what I put on and my immediate thought was how can I put this across for the EF to view.

So… this is not my poll question of the day, but a genuine request. How in heavens name does one get this across on the blog. To be more specific. I have 2 DVD's of the program and I suppose they will be technically proficient to go on to the net… but how does one do that..??? Some quick suggestions please !! Or else I shall go to the server for assistance !!

Bastille Day, the day of the great French Revolution, France, Paris and the ceremonial parade down the exquisite Champs-Elysee. For the first time in the history of the country and the parade a foreign dignitary invited as a guest of honor - our Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh. And Indian troops, the Maratha Light Infantry and the Navy and Air Force, marched down along with French troops down this historic path, day before. A million Indian soldiers had fought in World War 1 on French soil and 100,000 had died. Not to mention the approximately 2.5 million Indian soldiers that fought along with the Allies during WW 2.

Felt terribly proud on seeing President Sarkozy welcoming us and giving us this honor. He, as you may know was the chief guest at our Republic Day Parade in New Delhi at India Gate, last year.

What a moment ! So many sacrificed their lives so we could live ! And we never seem to remember and honor them enough !!

My love to you, as ever -

Amitabh Bachchan

Friday, July 17, 2009

Aladin And The Mystery Of The Lamp Movie Stills Photos Wallpapers

Aladin And The Mystery Of The Lamp Movie Stills Photos Wallpapers


 Amitabh Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt, Ritesh Deshmukh, 
Juhi Chawla, Sameera Reddy, Jacqueline Fernandez 


Director: Sujoy Ghosh
Producer: Sujoy Ghosh
Banner: Eros International


Music Director: Shekhar Ravjiani, Vishal DadlaniMusic Company: Eros Music

Synopsis :

Produced by Eros International and Boundscript, 'Aladin' is a contemporary look at the classic fairy tale. 
Packed with fun, music, masti, action and adventure 'Aladin' boasts of a visual scale never seen before. 
The film stars Amitabh Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt, Riteish Deshmukh and introduces Jacqueline Fernandez. 

Amitabh Bachchan BigB Recreates Pag Ghungroo Magic

You can see Big B in the same white sherwani and pink pagdi

Amitabh Bachchan's celebrated look in the classic "Pag Ghunghroo' from the film Namak Halaal still fresh in our minds, the actor will be seen once again in a similar avatar in Eros International's "Aladin'.

Big B will be seen grooving to a peppy number called "O Re Sawariya' in the celebrated White kurta and Pink Pagadi which he once donned for the film Namak Halaal.

In this sequence, Jacqueline (Jasmine) is trying to woo Riteish (Aladdin) while Amitabh Bachchan (Genie) keeps popping into the scene at various points.

Says Director Sujoy Ghosh, "We had no intentions of repeating his look from Namak Halaal. It is purely a coincidence, but it definitely shows how the actor has impacted our minds over the years through his cult performances."

Talking of the song, Sujoy adds, "O Re Sawariya is a fun filled number and Mr. Bachchan has added an extra charm to it with his unique style and unbeatable energy. We had a great time filming this song and I am sure audiences will love it too".

The song is filmed on Mr. Bachchan, Riteish Deshmukh and Jacqueline Fernandes and choreographed by Bosco Ceaser and Saroj Khan. The soundtrack is by Vishal and Shekhar.

The costumes for the film are designed by Narendra Kumar. - Sampurn Media

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Big B helps women stranded in Mumbai rain

Big B helps women stranded in Mumbai rain

Mumbai, July 15 (IANS) Imagine being stranded in heavy rain and then getting a lift from Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan. That's what happened to a few women here recently.

BigB did his bit by giving lifts to a few women in his car to help them escape the Mumbai rains that have jammed life in India's financial capital for the last three days.

The road outside Amitabh's house Prateeksha is waist deep in water, which has entered his reception area too. When the actor decided to take a ride in his SUV to his second home Jalsa in Juhu, he found the women wading through the waterlogged street.

"I muster up courage and help and pull out the SUV...that's the only one that shall go through in all this mess, and float out into the streets now jammed with people wading through and the cars blocking any movement.

"I open the door, well just about, to assist a few young ladies in distress who were beginning to lose their composure, and give them a ride towards Jalsa. Everywhere there is just chaos," Amitabh posted in a recent entry on his blog .

At his Jalsa home, water leaked through into the bedrooms causing more distress to the actor.

"At Jalsa, the water in the bedrooms has leaked through despite the tarpaulin protection monsoon covers. I tell them (workers) to put towels, swabs, water resistant solutions, anything," he wrote.

The situation became so chaotic that the actor had to ask son Abhishek and daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai, who are in Singapore along with politician Amar Singh, to stay there for a while.

"I quickly inform them of the deluge warning them not to come in today as scheduled. I put all the mobiles on charge and the walkie talkies. Fill up water in buckets from the rain outside and store it just in case the power goes and the pumps get disconnected. And wait, and wait and wait?," he said.

For many others living here, the situation has been just as grave ever since rain started causing waterlogging in many areas, traffic snarls and even affecting rail service -- paralysing life in Mumbai.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Big B remembers Neelu Phule as down to earth humble

Big B remembers Neelu Phule as down to earth, humble

New Delhi, July 14(IANS) Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan remembers Marathi stage and film actor Neelu Phule, with whom he worked in his 1983 hit film "Coolie", and says he was very talented, yet so down to earth.

"I had worked with him (Neelu Phule) in my film 'Coolie' - a seasoned thespian with a distinguished face and voice, who had played some historic roles in his career. He was down to earth, humble human - a quality quite rare when you equate it with the talent that he possessed," Amitabh posted on his blog

The veteran actor died Monday after a long battle with cancer. He was 79. Phule had been admitted to a hospital for treatment of oesophagus cancer last week. He is survived by his wife and a daughter. 

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Amitabh Bachchan with Rekha

Amitabh Bachchan was in a jittery situation on Saturday evening when Rekha walked up to the Bachchan family to exchange hugs and kisses.

Some ghosts are difficult to exorcise. One such rose from the dead at the 54th Filmfare Awards night at Yashraj Studios. Big B was sitting next to Aishwarya Rai, Abhishek Bachchan and Shahrukh Khan (in the same order) when Rekha walked to SRK to exchange greetings.

Seeing Abhishek next to SRK, Rekha could not stop planting a neat peck on the cheek of Bachchan junior. Then she turned to Ash, who rose from her seat and hugged Rekha.

Since Big B was the only one of the group left, it was obvious that Rekha would at least exchange greetings (if not a kiss or a hug) with the senior Bachchan. But before Rekha could free from the embrace of the Bachchan bahu, Big B stood up from his seat and walked away.

Must say everyone’s eyes at the venue were glued to Rekha as she hobnobbed with the Bachchans. If only Big B hadn’t walked away, we might have had a different headline in Sunday’s tabloids.

Close but no cigar!

Amitabh Bachchan Photos Wallpapers

Amitabh BachchanBigB Photos Wallpapers


Prateeksha, Mumbai July 10, 2009 Fri 2:02 PM


Same paper. Same page. Same topic. Different day. Yesterday was yesterday. Today is the above !!

Thank you Mid Day for your humbleness.

Thank you EF for your responses in the affirmative.

Thank you EF for your responses NOT in the affirmative.

Thank you to those that read and read the lines in between. And to those that completely missed it.

Thank you to those for getting the humor. Particularly on the MATES - it was a bit risque !

Thank you EF for drawing my attention to the harshness of Karan Johar’s remark. He does not feature in my blog at all ! Unless you are taking the ID ‘K.Jo’ to be him. It is not, its a fake ID.

Thank you Rochelle for your honesty. I love you even more. I hope the above media piece puts you to some rest. When your favorite team looses it does rattle you a bit, gets you edgy ! Relax !










My love as ever ….

Amitabh Bachchan

Friday, July 10, 2009

Unwell Big B more concerned about health of friends

Unwell Big B more concerned about health of friends  

New Delhi, July 9 (IANS) Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan is on bed rest following a stomach ache, but he is more concerned about the health of his politician friend Amar Singh, thespian Dilip Kumar and Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray and keeping himself updated on them.

The megastar went to Lilavati Hospital Wednesday morning after a stomach ache complaint.

"I was to travel to Singapore today (Thursday) to be with my dearest friend and family member, Amar Singh ji who undergoes a surgery for a kidney transplant. In this hour of trial, I needed to be with him but the doctors advise a few days of rest and observation for me," he posted on his blog

"Jaya (wife) and Abhishek (son) and Aishwarya (daughter-in-law) are there already and I shall join them soon, health permitting," added Big B who is resting at his residence Prateeksha in Mumbai.

The 67-year-old further expressed concern for Dilip Kumar, who was recently down with malaria and admitted to Lilavati Hospital. He is also worried about Bal Thackeray, who has undergone an angioplasty.

"My idol and, I am certain, the idol of millions, respected Dilip Kumar has been unwell and in hospital. I had been in constant touch with (his wife) Saira ji when I was out of the country. I'm now happy to read that he is back home. May he enjoy good health ever," he wrote.

"Bala Saheb Thakeray has also been rather unwell and within a short span of time has been in hospital almost every other month. On all those occasions, I have been out of the country and unable to express my concern to him personally. I have been speaking to his son Udhav and he informs me today after I called that Bala Saheb is showing signs of improvement. I wish him good health," he further wrote.

The megastar also recalled Thackeray's gesture during his 1982 accident.

"I shall never forget his concern for my health when I was down in 1982 in the Breach Candy Hospital after the 'Coolie' incident. Being a great cartoonist, apart from his political presence in Maharashtra and India, he had most interestingly done a painting which depicted that even though Yamraj (the God of death) had come to visit me, I had been able to fight him off successfully.

"I am not a cartoonist, nor a painter, but I wish similar sentiment to him. May he ever fight off the evil of Yamraj," he explained.

The actor, who was last seen in dud "Delhi-6", also wrote that he is still unwell and hasn't recovered from the stomach ache.

"I write in some pain and some concern. I write in the anguish of these repeated episodes in my life... The tests have been conducted and more results followed today. They do not show anything alarming, but the symptoms persist, albeit on a lesser scale than last time," he posted.

Amitabh Bachchan in hospital for routine checkup

Amitabh Bachchan in hospital for 'routine checkup'

Mumbai, July 8 (IANS) Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan went to Lilavati Hospital here Wednesday morning for what was described as "a routine checkup", though in his blog he has complained of a stomach ache.

Though the hospital authorities declined to comment, the same old stomach problem that Bachchan, 66, has been suffering from for long may have recurred.

In his blog in the morning, Bachchan has admitted to getting a tummy ache just before he embarked for Mumbai from London a day earlier.

On arrival, he drove straight to his doctor late Tuesday night and underwent an examination and a CT scan. These revealed nothing but since the trouble persisted, more tests were advised for Wednesday, he says in his blog.

Until all the test results are out and a line of treatment finalised, he has cancelled all his shooting and travel plans, he writes.

Bachchan has vented his frustration saying despite "extreme care", the problem keeps recurring and medication and rest have been the order of the day.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I may be bed ridden and I may be incommunicado

Prateeksha, Mumbai July 8, 2009 Wed 10:07 PM

I may be bed ridden and I may be incommunicado to the rest of the world, but my devotion to my EF and my connection to them is supreme. And so I write. Yes I write in some pain and some concern. I write in the anguish of these repeated episodes in my life. I write because it is a release from medications and medical. I write because I express. I write because I write !!

I have been spending time on the foreword for Madhushala and have been keeping you apprised of its condition. It has reached fruition now and I felt it appropriate to share it with you. The preface or a humble address to its readers for the very first publication was done by my Father in 1933. I present before you its shape in Hindi, which is the original. In my foreword that follows in English, I have made an attempt to include its brilliance by audaciously trying to translate his words. I hope that you shall be able to appreciate the depth of his thought and philosophy through my extremely feeble effort. Here it is -



I called him Dad. In the presence of others, I referred to him as Babuji. He brought me into this world and I grew up living in the shadow of his greatness for over sixty years. Many feel I was blessed to have my father with me for such a long period of time; I wished for more.

In these years of togetherness I never had any regrets, but one. I never spent sufficient time with him to understand his mind as an artist. I imbibed what I observed; I imbibed what I read; on occasion I listened. But never did I make opportunity enough to study the intimacy of his creativity.

At times I look upon it as my own incapacity: my fears of confronting his genius without adequate learning bore forth a self-conscious inertia. It has remained with me even after his life has vanished and we are separated. Today, as I sit to write a foreword to perhaps one of his - and indeed one of the entire contemporary Hindi literary world’s - greatest and most popular poetic works, Madhushala, the constraints of my incompetence pull me into a void. I am, as ever, confounded by the task of bridging the seamless gap between the intimacy of a Dad and the respectability of a Babuji.

Madhushala was conceptualized and written in 1933-34, and the first publication came out in 1935. Today, more than seventy-five years later, the importance and longevity of this work is an astonishing reminder of its worth and merit. As I struggled to find adequate expression for my foreword, I came across the preface that Babuji had written on its first publication. It is a masterpiece. For those that understand and read Hindi I shall print it in its original form, but for those who do not, I attempt below a very poor translation of it.

SAMBHODAN - a humble address

To those who have savoured the inebriation or intoxication of my creativity -

The other day when I presented the heartfelt emotions of Omar Khayyam in my own words and language to you, so were you pleased. You were pleased because your own disciple had complied with your obligation, had dutifully obeyed your desire or command. But my heart was not pleased or satisfied.

Bringing someone else’s belongings as a gift to your temple was embarrassing or shameful for me. It is something you would not understand.

If you had not wished for it to be brought to you, and if I had come to you of my own volition, I would have ground to a halt, I would never have reached your temple. But the thought of receiving your permission and your happiness prompted me to bring myself near you, though I do not feel it wrong to say that the disciple does not present a gift at the feet of the Almighty with the thought in mind that it might please.

How can the poor disciple, devoid of any wealth or its means, ever dream of bearing a gift to the Master’s feet that would please the Almighty ?

The disciple presents the gift to the Almighty to satisfy their own heart.

By placing something of their own at the feet of the Almighty, the disciple diminishes the burden that their own heart carries - rids themselves of their own burden.

That day when I lay someone else’s flowers at your feet as an offering, the weight of my heart did not diminish, neither did the burden of my heart lift, nor did my heart derive satisfaction.

Thinking upon what I have just said, you may perhaps assume how selfish I am, unable to understand that in your happiness there is indeed my own. I was indeed very happy. To see that line of happiness on the lips of my deity, what disciple would not touch the zenith of their happiness?

However, the disciple-heart is never only impatient and eager to seek happiness.

Happiness is an experience of self-awareness. A disciple is one, who, after submitting their atman, their Self, searches that sublime remembrance that is distant from joy and grief.

O this weight of apnapan, of Self-ness. This restlessness to take it off, relinquish it and cast it aside ! Even in this act of sacrifice, of renunciation, there is the rule of selfishness, of self aggrandizement, of self betterment ! ! Human life is so incomplete.

Even in our great sacrifices there is great selfishness. The very foundation of the universe and our being rests on the fervour behind this great sacrifice and great selfishness !

Clouds leave their self-ness in millions of little droplets of rain; rain drops leave theirs into lakes and rivers; rivers are eager to loose theirs into the ocean and even the oceans are keen to leave their great body of water some place and be free.

The earth gives up its self-ness to plants and trees; they in turn leave theirs into leaf and flower, who wish to be relieved of theirs into the winds that blow them away. And even the winds are searching for that one, someone into whom they wish that they could twirl and envelop and embrace just once, remain engulfed within them.


the Ātman
is a philosophical term used within Hinduism and Vedanta to identify the soul. It is one’s true self (hence generally translated into English as ‘Self’) beyond identification with the phenomenal reality of worldly existence.


The moth attracted by the flame of the diya leaves its self-ness to it; the diya leaves its own to the day; the day to the night; the night to the sun. Even the sun searches in this vast celestial universe for that one great light, at the feet of whom it can pay homage or obeisance just once, that aarti, just once, after which its light could be put out.

Similarly, the singer or musician wishes that the self-ness that they possess in their music is able to reach the ears of the listener for the flicker of an instant, and then resounding, it becomes diminuendo, becomes dissolved in the vast universe, disappears.

The painter wishes that the drawn line and the painted colour for once are reflected in the eyes of the beholder and finally saturated in their opaqueness.

The sculptor wishes that their carving expressed in the rock, to which they bestow their self-ness, may one day adorn the hands of some gentle being only perhaps to break into little pieces and scatter away.

And… the poet wishes that their self-ness, manifested and expressed in their words and verses, would some day move another’s heart, find a place to hide in this tormented world filled with turmoil, and would finally become lost therein.

Thus to this selfish humanity, of which I am part, I dedicate myself.

The other day I could derive the pleasure and good fortune of submitting my self-ness to you, which is why I
have returned to you so soon. I ask forgiveness, for this, my selfish self. I have faith that I shall not return disappointed and never will.

I bring you wine today.

The intoxicant, in its drinking, distances fear, presses sorrow from you, beguiles your mind, steals your attention away from respect and incivility, robs the pride from the proud. In so drinking, humanity thinks nothing of their suffering, pain, difficulties; in so tasting, they forget hardships, fears, the labours of life.

O this wine of life that we must perforce drink is so bitter.

This wine of mine shall sober the intoxication of the wine of life. It shall protect you from the vagaries and harshness that life brings; destroy the evil that life brings in this troubled world. It is assuredly the greatest cordial.

My heart feels that this is your pressing need. Take it. Drink it. And may the joy of its drinking rid you of all pain and suffering and hardships of life. And may it fill your life with fresh vitality.

O who would know that the one who takes responsibility for others, by removing their pain and filling them with
hope and joy, is himself rent, by his own fire burned?

Do not think that you burn alone. You burn, but the effect falls upon me. You burn, but I melt.

I also came in search of pure still wine. But you gave me your heart, and the fire in your heart. This wine of my heart, burned by the flames in yours, has moved me. Here, drink it, and bring peace to the fire in your heart. That heart that ‘til yesterday was thirsty, has today become the wine that quenches thirst.

The heart of a poet is not a poet’s alone.

In his heart’s lap, there rests trikal and tribhuvan. In that lap, the universe, like a new-born child, succouring for mother’s milk, it struggles in that lap, and pralaya - the great destruction that brings the end of the world - like a naughty child, frolics in that lap.

The courtyard of the poet’s heart reverberates with the songs of the skies. It reverberates with the laughters of
the winds and breezes, and reverberates with the raging anguishes of the

In the poet’s temple-heart, there is birth, life, death, who move in rhythm, as in dance.

Which is why, when the poet’s heart melts, the entire universe, the people in the entire universe affected by my words and my poetry, affected by its wine that intoxicates the listener; so also the land and the water, the skies and the winds, the rivers and the gardens, heaven and hell, the roots and their quickenings, the night and the
day, the forests and the meadows, the happy confluences and the sad partings, the love and the struggle, the hope and the despair, the birth and the life, Kaal and Karma, all these that have meaning in our lives in this universe, today they experience the symbol of wine, cup, house of wine.

Dearest ones, look, the entire universe sways with the intoxication of this house of wine.

Let me make you a master by my being the Saki. Through my own hands I will pour these wine-filled cups and touch them to your lips and may you for eternity with great thirst drink thereof. May I never tire from the doing, and neither may you tire from the drinking.

O Almighty, forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, I seek forgiveness.

How can I ever commit such grave error as to bring this profane material vessel to your enlightened lips?

Please forgive my arrogance, for my hands shake, the cup in my hand is now shaking, the wine of the vessel is
falling, and even my legs are much quivering; every joint in my body is opening up, I am falling, I am falling, I am falling.

But that my wine has reached up to meet your feet, I am happy and satisfied.

The wine of the disciple, a dutiful, modest disciple, should not reach the Almighty’s lips. The offering should
remain at the feet.

But what is this that I observe as I look up to you? That your eyes too bear this intoxication, this madness;
your lips quiver too, you are smiling?

Pikar madira mast hua toh

Pyar kiya kya madira se

Just because you have been intoxicated by drinking wine, does it reflect that you are in love with the


Have you been moved by my desire to give you this wine to drink?

You are great and so I am. I am honoured and so you are. You are worthy and I am worth.

But, do not look at me with those vibrant intoxicated eyes of yours, I feel uneasy.

See, I am closing mine.

O it is no longer possible for me to look at those vibrant intoxicated eyes of yours and neither can I live without looking upon them.

May I just see them once more?

O whither have those eyes disappeared? Whither has that intoxicated gaze gone? Whither do I search it, and why?

I will not search it. Just the image I saw of those intoxicated eyes shall keep me happy and satisfied for eternity.

A disciple should derive satisfaction from the thirst of an ocean, and the drop of sunlight. The intoxicated eyes, the wine of your intoxicated eyes should spill perpetual on the vessels of my eyelids. So that whoever sees me shall forever remain intoxicated with your wine.

Prayag, - In perpetual meditation of

27 August 1933 your Intoxicated eyes

- me

Moved by my father’s eloquence, I am rendered wordless. I have no offering that might add to what is already
complete: he has most consummately expressed himself, his work and his philosophy.

In my early years, Babuji would take me along to the several poetry symposiums in which he would participate.
He would work the entire day at the University of Allahabad where he taught, or later at the External Affairs Ministry in New Delhi, and then travel at night for kavi sammelans close enough to home so that he might be in time for work of the following morning. The marathon all-night events were exhausting, but the energy and enthusiasm of the multitudes that joined him and his poetry during those nocturnal hours provided artistic fulfillment enough for him that he was able to function – arguably more so – in the rest of his life. For his young family, the added income from these sojourns was a welcome respite from an, at times, strenuous domestic economy.

The inspiration for presenting Madhushala in this form came from two ladies of the family – my wife Jaya and my niece Namrata. Jaya has been persistent in documenting for posterity the valued lives of members of our family. Realising the diminishing interest in the Hindi written word among this generation, she wished to bring to them such an important work in a language and style for which they might have more feeling.

Namrata studied liberal and fine arts in the United States of America. Over the years, she has become an accomplished poet in her own right, as well as developing exquisite and unique art forms on canvas. The paintings in the book are her own interpretations and artistic response to Madhushala translated into English.

The translation is of Marjorie Boulton and Ram Swaroop Vyas, who both studied at Oxford University, as you may
have noticed from the acknowledgments. During one of my visits to England in the 80’s I escorted my parents to Oxford to meet Dr Boulton: my impression of her was that of a sedate, scholarly and endearing lady. She loved India and had a great appetite for Indian food which she relished at the slightest
opportunity. But it was Madhushala above all else that satiated her true appetite as a lover of poetry, and the fruits of her ardent labour are manifest in perhaps the only and most valued translation of my father’s works.

This most humble attempt of mine is best concluded by the words Babuji wrote when he introduced the translated version of Madhushala to his readers –

‘This translation of my long poem Madhushala, is put forth in the belief that a good poem retains some of its basic qualities even in translation.

My definition of a good poem is that it appears before you like a stranger who impresses you so favorably that you feel like befriending him, and the more you know him the more you like him.

Good wine needs no bush, good poetry needs no explanation. Hence to the poem…

- Harivansh Rai Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan