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Thursday, July 25, 2013
Satyagraha has brought change, says Amitabh Bachchan
There are times when you wish that the day never comes to an end
Jalsa, Mumbai July 24/25, 2013 Wed/Thu 3 : 24 AM
There are times when you wish that the day never comes to an end. Days when you wish to do much more but are restrained by nature ; the sun is down, darkness prevails, so must it be time to be in rest. When many aspects of the work remain unfulfilled, when there is a job that is kept pending, when the time required is not sufficient to address it, is limited … then !!
Often there are moments when one pushes the work to be done today to a tomorrow. That tomorrow never comes, for, in the tomorrow there is work that shall come anew, afresh, to usurp what had remained over from the yesterday .. Do I make sense ??
The joy and relief that accompanies the clearance of unattended work is like the weight of the atlas you bear suddenly being removed. But that is not and never the end. There is more that comes your way and more and more …
Many a times when work piles, you discover that when you eventually do reach the unattended, you wonder if remaining in such condition did not draw my attention, or cause any major decision, then really, the pending work was somewhat unimportant. The need to suffer anxiety on this count therefore would be quite unnecessary …
Subject over … too yawn inducing, as some of the Ef would say … so to matters more present and perhaps of greater interest. An article by a known journalist elaborates on the 'politeness' among celebrities. How various public figures behave towards that very basic sentiment and why. And yes … they have me in prominence, which is mighty flattering as you read the presentation, but soon turns to an aspect which is not totally surprising.
It mentions that I do come across as a polite and well mannered individual, though the general opinion form the rest of the world is that it is 'fake and pretentious'. A cultured politeness, put on for effect….. and … I simply love this assumption, for it has given me the great and much desired compliment of being a very convincing performer - one that I have found hard to come by !! At least from the world of the Fourth Estate !
Celebrity positivity, is always unattractive. The minus here is greater than the plus, a mathematical miscalculation ! To them the only answer, if I needed to ever condescend to give would be the evaluation of the medium we converse on. The substitute, the alternate, the faster than what you may want it to be ! The Ef and the followers and many others …
The competition of it is far too complicated and far too one sided, but it does carry with it the desired balance, much longed for, in comparison of what was earlier - controlled and manufactured by one source, as opposed to the multiple sources now …
Issues get varied dimensions of expression. It has been up to the common man and woman what they perceive and understand, after the immense bombardment of information from several regions and sources. And that is where the crux of the matter lies. The limits of perhaps now 20,000 journalists has expanded to a billion of them, not all in the profession. They are in the realm of independent social media, which grows exponentially and most rapidly.
My own avid newspaper reading has diminished, though I do subscribe to them all, for I shall visit the news site before bedtime to be aware of all that shall be appearing on the headlines in a few hours, or more.
The sizes of the information contraptions all move in the degrees which project a size smaller than the last one. Soon perhaps, from the iPad to the smaller version, it shall all be appearing on your mobile or your watch, or, who knows, a few flicks in the air anywhere in the atmosphere … !!
The intent is clear … life to be made easier and more infinitely less complicated .. to replace the mind and the brain by an instrument that shall be operated individually, independently and programmed by another .. an alien !
Goodness just looked up to the many time keepers that abound about me .. it is past the am of 4 ..
Good night and love …
Amitabh Bachchan
Mahendra Gorele
Life is a collage of the white and the coloured
Life is a collage of the white and the coloured
Jalsa, Mumbai July 23/24, 2013 Tue/Wed 1 : 53 AM
Life is a collage of the white and the coloured. The purity of the white is often enhanced by the colours of the coloured. Often not. Many a thought has at times given a connotation to those defiled, by the remark of them being 'coloured'. As though being coloured was an attribute that need not be in possession. As time went by, connotations and its interpretations assumed different proportions, to the word. It became close to a kind of defamation almost.
But of this there is truth that the quality of the white has often been enhanced by the presence of colour. Or the eminence of the colour has been brightened, because it rode in close proximity to the white.
Colours have intensity, meaning, potency. A clinic in Switzerland, drafts a beam of coloured circular lights on your forehead for mental relief and relaxation ; in time for the reduction in weight !! The traffic signals have the stop signs as RED. Know why ? Because the colour has the largest number of gama or uv or some such chemical quality which makes it noticeable better than any other colour.
The flowers that bloom have the beauty of the varied colours that adorn a garden .. yet a white rose or a large bouquet of lilies or any other white colour species is equally attractive.
There is dichotomy too. White has been the choice of colour at the time of mourning the dead. Yet is does become a standard apparel for those that enter and prevail in say … politics ! In some regions , black has the prominence during tragic moments. Yes it depicts darkness and grim staid feelings when at the graveyard … yet it does become the form for formal occasions, invariably for a celebration !!
Brightness of colours welcomes festivals and weddings in our regions. In the Church of marriage, the white gown of the bride comes up for design and fashion chatter .. and may the debate go on thus …
I wish for those that belong in family to be coloured in white for its purity and its social eminence. I wish for those that belong in family to be coloured in the vibrancy of its varied display …
I wish for both …because I believe one cannot do without the other …
Amitabh Bachchan
Mahendra Gorele
smile at myself and my foolishness
Smile at myself and my foolishness
Jalsa, Mumbai July 22/23, 2013 Mon/Tue 1 : 55 AM
I smile at life .. I smile at circumstances .. I smile at myself and my foolishness … I smile for the others that become me … I smile for those that have no smiles in their lives .. I smile for those that smile with me … I smile for my Ef .. my ever devoted and strong Ef … committed and sincere to the core and to the end ..
I smile because I need to smile .. I smile because it is easier to do so than to show anger .. I smile because it is disarmingly acceptable and reciprocated .. on the road , amidst the people I work with, among the motorists that drive along by me at the light signals, and traffic jams … I smile because it takes lesser amount of muscles to do than to show anger .. I smile … just ….
I reconcile … with myself and my circumstances … I lift the burden of unnecessary pressure … I am calmer and disposed well when I do so .. I believe the others that meet up feel it too .. I am disparaged by a show of temperament that prevents itself from such act .. I wish not to bring grief to anyone, to see them at the mercy of the forces that abide in nature .. I shall comply and hold and give assurance, bring worth and assistance in the garb of co operation .. I shall contribute in attempting to enhance what may have been assuaged indifferently … I shall … I most certainly shall ..
The weight of the body shall reduce , shall inhale purity of air, shall brighten up at mention and be labeled with the other purists, as one of speciality … but why not ? what really are the objections … ?
Beware … be happy and be content … ever ever ever …
My love for all remains unpolluted by recent happenings ..
Monday, July 22, 2013
Dishonesty with the profession is an unforgivable crime
Disappointments rule the minds of those that have lived
The greatest of them all - Mohammed Ali BigB
Friday, July 19, 2013
After watching `D-Day`, Amitabh Bachchan speechless
After watching `D-Day`, Amitabh Bachchan speechless
Amitabh Bachchan - Ek Ghadi D-Day Movie
Jalsa, Mumbai July 18/19, 2013 Thu/Fri 1 : 57 AM
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
What would the world do without music ! BiigB
Mahendra Gorele
Monday, July 15, 2013
Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan invited for centenary celebrations in Chennai

Mahendra Gorele
The Sunday of many years and many hues stares at us

Mahendra Gorele